SSM Spitbraai Hire and Catering Services

Introducing SSM Spitbraai Hire & Catering Services. We specialize in providing the best spitbraai in town. From succulent and mouthwatering lamb spits, to sweet and savory crispy pork roasts. Our target audience is individuals planning private functions or events such as birthday parties, family gatherings, weddings, or any other social gathering that requires a SPITFIRE vibe. We also target individuals planning corporate events such as award ceremonies and team building activities.


Welcome to SSM Spitbraai Hire and Catering Services

Welcome to SSM Spitbraai Hire and Catering Services

This is SSM Spitbraai Hire and Catering Services website. For current pricing packages or menu options please WhatsApp us on 083 412 6525 or 072 977 2718. 



media image Spitfire vibe in Garsfontein, Pretoria

Spitfire vibe in Garsfontein, Pretoria

media image lamb spitbraai in Equestria, Pretoria

lamb spitbraai in Equestria, Pretoria

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